Monday, December 18, 2017

an opportunity to say "thank you"

I just mailed out about 100 handwritten notes.... from my students.

I decided to go to work today, on the 5th anniversary of my sister's passing.

I hadn't been able to do that before, and quite frankly, I wasn't so sure I would make it through the day.

I had the idea to ask my kids to write a thank you note to whomever they wanted and I would buy the cards and pay for postage.

I almost lost my nerve.  I didn't know if they would want to, and I didn't want to pressure anyone into doing it.  And I really didn't want to talk about something so unpleasant as my sister dying.  I knew enough not to tell them until after they had finished.

I don't know if it's because they're just really nice kids who generally will do what I ask, or if they were intrigued by why I was asking them, or if they just were thrilled I wasn't asking them to do math for 10 minutes, but almost every kid wrote a note, and some asked for more.

These are some of the nicest, kindest kids I've ever had the pleasure of teaching, and if they weren't this way I don't think I would have had the nerve to open up enough to tell them something so painful and personal.  I have the best job in the world, and I teach some of the most wonderful kids anyone could ever ask for, and I count them among my blessings.

Thanks, students of mine, for making today less painful, for giving me purpose, today and every day.

I hope they find that the person who receives their note(s) will be touched by their sentiments, and I hope this is a tradition they carry with them long after they're not in my classroom.


  1. Thank you!!! What you did was so kind and a great way to honor your sister!!! We students are so lucky to have a kind and amazing teacher like you.

    P.S I know you didn't want a thank you note, but.... :)

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